When we say we’re “change the world” people here at GearBeyond, that’s more than just an idle statement, and here with our donations, you can see exactly how your GearBeyond purchase makes a difference.
We run a nonprofit organization ourselves, so when starting GearBeyond, we knew from day one that helping to make the world a better place would be en integral part of our company mission.
We donate 10% of our profits to charity, typically focusing on one nonprofit organization at a time. Below you can see details on where we’re currently focusing our efforts.
And yes, that’s a serious 5%, as we calculate the percentage of profit before we pay ourselves, which is sadly not always the case with companies pledging donations (companies who rarely donate 5% either).
Fall 2021 Nonprofit:
When selecting a nonprofit organization for donations, it’s always important to vet that organization, because, unfortunately, unethical organizations do indeed exist (and they most certainly do not deserve anyone’s donations)! The key is to find an organization that fits into one of your passions and also earns a high grade from places like Charity Navigator or Guide Star.
BestFriends.org easily fits that mold, and we wholeheartedly love the work they do to save animals. One of their core missions right now is to help make American pet shelters achieve “no-kill” status by 2025. Here’s what the term “no-kill” means, per Best Friends —
“When every shelter in a community achieves a 90% save rate for all cats and dogs, that community is designated as no-kill.”
That’s a goal we’re proud to stand behind, and that’s where our donations are headed through the rest of 2021.
For more on Best Friends, click here to visit their website. We’ll post an update in early 2022, when we write the check to Best Friends, so we can let everyone know how we all did together at the end of the year.
Have a nonprofit suggestion?
If you have a suggestion for a favorite nonprofit organization you’d like to see us donate to, simply send an email to support@gearbeyond.net. Let us know the name of the organization, provide a link to their website, and tell us why that organization is important to you.